Janice Crich: Living with Vascular Dementia


Newest Videos

Cate Lau: Centering Myself with my Dementia



Peter Tullett: Dementia, Keeping your Faith

Shawn Kelley: Learning to communicate with other with Lewy Bodies

Click on the images of the videos to watch.

Jeff Borghoff: Being Diagnosed with Early-Onset Alzheimer's

Brian LeBlanc: Recognizing the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Jennifer Bute: Organizing Your Medications

Susan Suchan: Lingraphica Machine for Aphasia

Our Videos

Robert Bowles: Becoming a Member of Dementia Mentors

Norm McNamara: How Colors can affect those with Dementia

Truthful Kindness: Playing Music with Dementia

Laurie Scherrer: Tips on Shopping with Dementia

Kathleen Anduze talks about having Lewy Body Dementia in her 50's

Paulan Gordon: Preserving your Memories in a Journal

Andrew Garvey: Learning to live with FTD